Monday, July 18, 2016

Egyptian Unwritten Historical Record

Egypt is known for its historical cultural aspects. As one of the first civilizations, its art is widely studied. What is found in Egypt is very unique and unlike any other. In Egypt, there has been a multitude of abstract art found.[1] Painted pictures and sculptures are among this art. While Egypt is well known for its extravagant pyramids, what is in inside is also magnificent.
Image result for pyramids
Inside the pyramids, hieroglyphics, the Egyptian form of writing, can be found, along with drawings that are painted. These pyramids were built as a place of rest for the bodies of deceased Egyptian pharaohs. Egyptians believed that if a body was mummified and placed in a chamber of a tomb in a pyramid with their valuables, they would be able to have those items when they reached afterlife. [2] The paintings in the chambers were created to tell the story of the pharaoh's life.[3] The pyramids, inside and out, show the rich culture that Egypt has. The pyramids show the value that these people had on life and the afterlife. The pyramid represents the huge amount of respect that the pharaohs of Egypt were given. Just buy building a special place, the pyramids show the significance. When one goes deep inside the pyramids, they will find the art of hieroglyphics with other paintings, as well as the mummified pharaohs and their belongings, proving an even deeper respect .
Image result for images of inside of a pyramid

The pyramids as a whole represent a unwritten historical record for several reasons. The first reason being that the construction of the pyramids tells those that study it, that the Egyptians were not only hard workers, but wanted to be known. Based on the religious aspects seen, it can be clear that the Egyptians very much so valued the afterlife. Thirdly, the mummification inside the pyramids show that the Egyptians had respect for the pharaohs even after they had passed.


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